Kwanzoo Integration with Tableau Enables Limitless Analytics

We’re excited to share that the Kwanzoo Integration with Tableau is now available – a powerful combination that brings together rev-ops data integration and harmonization capabilities with deep exploration and analysis, so marketers can get the most value from their ever changing and expanding data sets.

Analytics capabilities are essential in the arsenal of the data-driven professionals. According to the Salesforce State of Marketing Report 43% of marketers plan to increase the use of marketing analytics/measurement tools over the next year.

As circumstances and buying journeys become more complex, rev-ops professionals must use data to plan and execute long and short term goals that impact their customers and business outcomes. Furthermore, connecting marketing data to the enterprise has become a strategic differentiator. But traditionally, getting marketing data into a connected and unified state to generate insights has been a huge challenge.

With Kwanzoo, marketers can centralize and unify all of their rev-ops data and now with the integration to Tableau, they can scale analytics capabilities across the entire enterprise. With the ability to share and receive important data points across business units, regions, and teams, marketers can rapidly understand the connection between marketing initiatives and sales, product, service, and beyond.

Here are three reasons why the power of Kwanzoo and Tableau together form the perfect combination for any marketing department:

  1. A single source of  truth enables optimal efficiency and growth - 
    Revenue teams and data is different than most other data sets.
    The data stems from various different platforms and is disjointed and mismatched, requiring business know-how, skills, and copious time to merge together. In fact, instead of analyzing their data, 57% of marketers are spending a week or more each month solely on harmonizing data. These data challenges underpin the top issues marketers report with their data – the lack of a unified view of investments, performance, and results, in real-time, across all stakeholders.
    Kwanzoo is an end-to-end solution and the number one revenue intelligence platform to solve these rev-ops specific challenges. With clicks not code, marketers are able to gain clarity and transparency into data and performance through data integration, modeling and harmonization, with all revenue data ultimately centralized in a single source of truth.
  2. Solve any revops analytics use case with complementary and integrated solutions -
    With the new product integration between Tableau and Kwanzoo, marketers have the opportunity to bring these two leading platforms together as an unparalleled analytics solution set in the market. With Kwanzoo, marketers can solve their cumbersome data integration and data management challenges and then seamlessly utilize Tableau to further visualize, explore, and scale use of this data across any person or team within their organization.
  3. Align analytics to the entire enterprise -
    Tableau is the leading business intelligence platform focused on enterprise-wide data exploration and analytics. The combination of Tableau and Kwanzoo will extend the value of rev-ops data across the entire organization, accelerate data-driven culture, and empower the entire business to explore valuable data sets that were previously silo'd.

With Kwanzoo and Tableau together, users get the best of both worlds– an analytics solution set that solves for big enterprise analytics challenges, as well as department-specific challenges in marketing, sales and customer success. With companies continuing to navigate changing environments and the “new normal” it has never been more important to align data and insights across the organization.

Gregory Kotovos • Nov 16, 2021

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